I believe that Chinese school having less problem than 'non-chinese' school. (ini sekadar keluhan seorang guru.. bukan tujuan untuk membandingkan ). A 13 years old student doesn't know 4 x 3...and the worst is 2 x 0 also dunno la... and if I say so, I'm ready to hear from you..'is your job to make them know'.
Excuse me?! I have done everything that I can. Thank God there are few of the students willing to help themselves memorize those numbers in periodic table.
Why is multiplication so important? Kenapa pendaraban sangat penting?kenapa?!!
1. Almost all the math questions involving multiplication. Hampir semua soalan menggunakan operasi pendaraban.
2. Without memorizing or having multiplication skill, you are wasting your time by adding the numbers. Kalau kamu tidak hafal atau memahami konsep pendaraban, kamu akan membuang masa untuk menambah berkali-kali nombor yang diberi.
Maka ...para pelajar, tolonglah bantu diri kamu sendiri untuk sekurang2nya hafal sifir 1 hingga 5!!